Artificial Intelligence for prenatal diagnosis

The physicians' companion during diagnostic ultrasounds

Sonio leverages on Artificial intelligence to help those healthcare professionals secure prenatal screening and diagnosis


Medical Excellence

Sonio is the result of 5 years of research and collaboration between experts in fetal medicine and artificial intelligence. Its goal is to support the analysis of practitioners in prenatal screening and diagnosis.


Sonio indicates the anomalies to look for and provides a smart checklist.


Guided by Sonio, the practitioner combines many risk factors and signs visible on ultrasound with nearly 300 prenatal syndromes. (1)

Optimization of the care pathway

A software for prenatal screening and diagnosis, Sonio allows clear, comprehensive and contextualised data to be shared between Health Care Providers.

Why use Sonio in your practice?

Facing a multitude of signs and possible diagnoses, practitioners involved in prenatal diagnosis face a strenuous task. This can lead to errors, delays in diagnosis, deteriorating the patients’ experience and sometimes even baby’s chances.


Being able to diagnose a rare syndrome is essential... 

But ruling out a rare disease when an anomaly has been detected is crucial to your daily practice 

Maman et nouveau né

Sonio can help ruling out a Syndrome

Request a demo


Some key figures



Recognisable syndromes (1)


Recognisable signs (1)


Prenatal diagnosis practitioners have already adopted it

1 Stirnemann J, Besson R, Spaggiari E et al. Description and clinical validation of a real-time AI diagnostic companion for fetal ultrasound examination. 2021. doi:10.1101/2021.05.25.21257630